About Us
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Since its inception in 2014 SARO has proofed as local NGO who knows the locality, Aid delivery and priority of South Central Somalia. It is activity revolves around relief effort and sustainable community that need help from local as well as outside.
The community it serves never doubted its sincerity, vibrant alternative ideas, aid administration in fair and balance as local socio-economic dictate. When disaster hit on any part of this neglected region, SARO made every effort to come up new creative way to help or use aid in efficient way.
Our Mission
SARO is to strengthen and empower the local communities’ institutional capacities to effectively initiate and drive sustainable development and combat uncertain constellation of economic, social and environmental risks that confront them including conflict, climate change, pandemics, biodiversity loss.
Our Vision
SARO to be the leading humanitarian, non-governmental, development-oriented organization and provider of basic human services, pragmatically enhancing the availability and access to basic livelihoods (water, sanitation, food security etc.) both at household and community level, initiating sound and sustainable developmental projects, and advocating for the local community empowerments.